Playable10 Encouraging New Playground Design Paradigms

If you believe in playgrounds, you’re going to love what’s happening in Atlanta, Georgia and the whole world has been invited to the ball. There’s now an exciting, new place to exchange, promote and recognize excellence and creativity in playground design.

Cynthia Gentry, a passionate advocate for play, has taken the lead on establishing a juried international competition for playground design. A dedicated team of friends and volunteers with a shoestring budget and modest corporate support have created a global sandbox where children and designers are sharing their ideas and concepts of creative playground spaces and structures.

The Playable10 competition has four categories. Playable Kids is already a wrap. Submissions from children came from around the planet including one from a remote village in Nepal. There was a recurring theme from kids – they love to play with their families.

Winners in the remaining three categories – playable art, playable d-i-y and and playable site will be posted on the Playable10 site this evening at approximately 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

PlayGroundology caught up with Cynthia earlier this week and got a peek into the Playable10 world.

Playgroundology – What is the motivation/inspiration that got Playable10 off the ground?


Design competition aims to give DC beautiful and functional play spaces